It’s been a while since I’ve been over to Dinner and Steve’s.
It’s pretty much the same old same old, Steve worries about going into the soup pot every once in a while. Dinner is too busy with the business of just being a turkey to be bothered with any kind of worry period.
Their days include a morning walk.
Actually they do a lot of synchronized walking.
Under the porch together with all feathers up,
Out from under the porch together with as many feathers as possible dragging on the ground to make some extra noise and impress all the female turkeys.
Then it’s off to show off to the cow.
The cow wasn’t even paying attention!
They put on their show just the same.
And then went on their way.
It’s a big job being a turkey all the time.
I generally consider turkeys kind of homely, but these are rather handsome birds. Nice coloration. That's all.