A sunset from Max Patch.
it looks like there’s a wedding happening right on the top of the hill!
I instantly notice the shoot belt/apron thingy/that’s like a shoot sac but a belt. I like it and want to ask her about it. But I know she’s busy so I don’t.
I’ve always thought Max Patch would be a great place to photograph a wedding!
The photographers were super nice.
and everyone had fun with the photos. Especially the bride and groom!
But I was looking at the people making it happen on the right. Primary photographer down low to give a better perspective for the jumping photo, the second shooter and third shooter. And then the ever observant assistant who didn’t seem to need to be spoken to and just knew when to pull out the reflector.
Reflectors are cool. I want one.
There is still quite a bit of time before the sun goes down, so how ‘bout we go see the pond just down the road?
This way to the pond!
I like it, but can you just picture this when the leaves change?
The bugs are eating me alive! Just a minute, I’m going to go ask that lady sitting in the lawn chair in the shade if I can have some of her bug spray.
She had two cans and was happy to share.
Alright, it’s about time to catch the sunset! We can make it if we hurry.
Hmm, do you hear thunder? Yeah, I think I did too.
Yup, more thunder.
Alright we’re out of here, thanks for coming along!