
The Palm Trees

by - 9:40 AM


F/5.6      1/1000 sec.    ISO 200       50mm       with polarizing filter.

You’d think I’d never seen a palm tree before the way I stopped to take pictures of each one I saw on this trip. I took pictures of them at the toll booth.



F/4 1/500 sec. ISO 200 50mm with polarizing filter

I was even thrilled they were in front of the hotel.



F/4.5     1/800 sec.    ISO 200      50mm        with polarizing filter ~ thanks Paul for insisting I use it.



F/4       1/640 sec.     ISO 200     50mm

That evening I could tell it was going to be the perfect sunset.



F/4       1/200 sec.      ISO 200      50mm

Behind the rink there it was.



F/4      1/200 sec.       ISO 200        50mm

A little farther up the street it was even better.



F/4       1/125 sec.     ISO 200     50mm

At the edge of the parking lot behind the camper  with the clothesline tied to a tree and the people enjoying a few beverages was the reflection looking just like I’d imagined,



F/4      1/125 sec.     ISO 200      50mm

only better.



Here’s a good list of Free Lightroom Presets. I tend to start with a preset and then modify it to my liking from there.


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  1. You have an excellent eye for photography!  Keep up the good work. You failed to mention where you took these?
     Do you do all your own FOOD photography too?  If so, very good!  I also love to cook and try several new recipes each week.  Are your recipes original or are you trying recipes you've found and then try and pass on to all your readers?

  2. Thanks. The beach shots were taken at Pompano Beach FL and the sunsets right outside Incredible Ice. Yeah, I know it now has a new name, but I like the old names. If they ever rename Joe Louis Arena to  some sponsor's name I'll still call it The Joe.
      Yes, I take all my food photos too. Other people's Food photography is what inspired me to start a blog in the first place.
    What's your latest favorite recipe? I love finding out what other people are making for dinner, lunch, snack whatever.


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