No knead bread

by - 4:10 AM

Slash first apologize later or don’t slash at all.

PNP br621-21

king Arthur had the most beautiful photo of bread posted on their facebook page once I randomly remembered to go look at their bread recipes. I saw one and it said “The most basic of all no-knead loaves” I thought that was just my kind of thing.

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Dissolve 1 tablespoon of yeast in lukewarm water.

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3 cups of flour.


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Somehow I end up with flour all over my hands and I was using a measuring cup!


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Mix it together.

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It’s pretty sticky stuff.

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Now it wants to be left alone in a warm place to rise  for 2hours, like not in front of the AC!

Then refrigerate it for at least 2 hours.


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The next morning or whenever you’re ready to make bread pull it out of the fridge and it might look like this.

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Dust the top with flour and grab out a large handful.


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about like that

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It looks good and stretchy.


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Shape it into a lumpy roll on a baking sheet.


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Dust with flour

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Let it rise 45-60 minutes.


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When you're ready to bake, take a sharp knife and slash the bread 2 or 3 times, making a cut about 1/2" deep. Do not forget like I did.

And DO NOT slash the bread halfway through when you remember you forgot to do it !!! It is better to let it blow out the side or wherever it chooses if you forget.

However, If you do slash the bread halfway through…


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It will look like this, rather deflated at the slashes.


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And be just a little gummy-ish at the slashes.

So I’ve learned , slash first apologize later or don’t slash at all.

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No-Knead Crusty White Bread from King Arthur


  • 1.5 cups lukewarm water
  • 3 to 3 1/4 cups King Arthur Unbleached All-Purpose Flour*
  • 1 tablespoon salt
  • 1 1/2 tablespoons instant yeast


1) Combine all of the ingredients in a large mixing bowl, or a large, food-safe plastic bucket.

2) Mix and stir everything together to make a very sticky, rough dough.  just stir-stir-stir with a big spoon or dough whisk till everything is combined.

3) Next, you're going to let the dough rise. If you've made the dough in a plastic bucket, you're all set — just let it stay there, covering the bucket with a lid or plastic wrap;  There's no need to grease the bowl, though you can if you like; it makes it a bit easier to get the dough out when it's time to bake bread.

4) Cover the bowl or bucket, and let the dough rise at room temperature for 2 hours. Then refrigerate it for at least 2 hours, or for up to about 7 days. (If you're pressed for time, skip the room-temperature rise, and stick it right into the fridge). The longer you keep it in the fridge, the tangier it'll get; if you chill it for 7 days, it will taste like sourdough. Over the course of the first day or so, it'll rise, then fall. That's OK; that's what it's supposed to do.

5) When you're ready to make bread, sprinkle the top of the dough with flour; this will make it easier to grab a hunk. Grease your hands, and pull off a piece about the size of a softball, or a large grapefruit.

6) Plop the sticky dough onto a floured work surface, and round it into a ball, or a longer log. Don't fuss around trying to make it perfect; just do the best you can.

7) Place the dough on a baking sheet. Sift a light coating of flour over the top; this will help keep the dough moist as it rests before baking.

8) Let the dough rise for about 45 to 60 minutes. It won't appear to rise upwards that much; rather, it'll seem to settle and expand. Preheat your oven (and baking stone, if you're using one) to 450°F while the dough rests. Place a shallow metal or cast iron pan (not glass, Pyrex, or ceramic) on the lowest oven rack, and have 1 cup of hot water ready to go.

9) When you're ready to bake, take a sharp knife and slash the bread 2 or 3 times, making a cut about 1/2" deep. The bread may deflate a bit; that's OK, it'll pick right up in the hot oven.

10) Place the bread in the oven, and carefully pour the 1 cup hot water into the shallow pan on the rack beneath. It'll bubble and steam; close the oven door quickly.

11) Bake the bread for 25 to 35 minutes, until it's a deep, golden brown.

12) Remove the bread from the oven, and cool it on a rack. Store leftover bread in a plastic bag at room temperature.

13) Yield: 3 or 4 loaves, depending on size.

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